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Category Archives: Funny

Fox Squirrel Courtesy of Pete Walker

There was a time in my life, I was a whole lot
younger and had more hair, when me and one of
my best friends went camping, packing in and
hunting a lot.  We were just teens and apt to do,
or try just about anything at least once.

When you have hiked into the wilderness with
nothing but a sleeping bag, gun, fishing tackle
and very little to eat, one learns how to survive.

I was telling my wife this morning about cleaning
and cooking squirrel.  We had a package of
stroganoff mix, added water from a stream and
squirrel meat.  Honestly, for all the work of
skinning it and cleaning it, the little guy was not
bad eating.  The smell was really not bad either.

Chipmunk, Courtesy of Michael Seraphin, DOW.

However, if one of these little rascals is all you
come across, don’t bother yourself with it.  I can
promise you my wife has already named it Fred
and it is a pet.  Besides, there really is not enough
protein in one of these.

Black-Tailed Jackrabbit, Courtesy of The Washington DC Library and the DOW.

Jackrabbits are real stringy, and tougher than
woodpecker lips.  They smell pretty bad when
you skin and clean them, and so does any kind of
rabbit.  You really want to watch out when it
comes to transporting these lanky critters.  It is
not wise to drive a load of them home, inside the
vehicle with you.  We, my friend and I, were
nearly eaten alive by fleas.

Western Rattle Snake, Courtesy of Pete Walker.

Now here is a very tasty morsel, but smells
worse than two-week old dirty socks filled with
rotting meat.  Seriously, think about the way a
snake digests its food (meat).  It rots in there as
it moves on through the belly, body and all.

Whistling Marmot, Courtesy of David Hannigan.

Many years back, my friend and I hiked up a
mountain just a few miles north of where I
currently reside.  A freak snow storm hit and
our skinny back sides were stuck up there for a
week.  There was this noisy, whistle piercing
our hung over heads and we were real hungry.
Even as a kid I was a cranky old man.  We made
short work and a tasty tidbit out of that big
ball of blubber.

Yes, I am ashamed to admit it, but sometimes
a young man has to do, what a young man has to
do to stay alive.  My wife and I have a rule, if you
kill it (even by accident) you skin it, clean it and
eat it. 

You will all be happy to know I am no longer a
hunting man.  Like I said before, my wife has
named them all Fred.  She would beat me bloody
about the head and shoulders if I did any of this
stuff now.  Besides, I am getting a little too old
for all that work and I have grown to love the
wild beasts around my place.  I enjoy providing
them all with a nice safe place to live.

 Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

All Photographs are “Courtesy of” the great
people named in the captions and were obtained
from the Colorado Division of Wildlife website.

Big Horn Sheep (Male), Near Jasper, Alberta

Image via Wikipedia

There was a time, before my wife and I got
got married, when I was almost single.

This is WD0FEO, coming to you from the Colorado Queen.

Yes, it really is me (back in the day).

Did I really just say that?  Yes, I guess I did.  I
was almost single, because the woman dropped
me like moldy blueberry yogurt.

She was living alone in a buffet apartment in
Grant, Colorado.  Grant is the size of one male
Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep.  The South
Platte River (excellent trout fishing) was right
outside her kitchen window and across the
highway is the goat path which goes up over
Guanella Pass and drops back down into
Georgetown.  I could not stand the thought of
her being there all alone with nothing, but Big
Horn Sheep to keep her company.

It drove me googly-eyed bonkers.  I could not
eat or sleep, how could I when I had to worry
about how to act being single.  Between her and
the few dates I managed to scrape up now and
then, the word single was not in my vocabulary. 

I sent friends by with bags of groceries for her.
She would call me up at the Bailey Country Store
and read me the riot act, then hang up.  One day
I snuck over to her landlord’s house, right next
door to her place and paid the rent for her.  It
was not long before she found out, and boy was
she angry.  You never want to see that woman
angry.  She’s a lot like the Tasmanian devil on
steroids when she gets mad.  Needless to say,
she called the law.

When the telephone at the store rang, it went
like this,  “Hello.”

“Glenn, this is detective so-and-so.”

“Yes.”  I was thinking she jumped in the river or
something.  My heart was in the bottoms of my
Fred Flintstone feet.

“I was just wondering,” this man clears his throat
and it sounds a bit like fingernails scraping on a
chalkboard.  “If I say I will never come into your
store again, will you pay my rent too?”

Luckily I only had to show up at her door once
with a big yellow ribbon tied around my neck
and a couple of crocodile tears in my eyes.  She
said yes and within a few weeks we were married
at Olive Garden, for the Black Tie Cheesecake.

All in all, I was almost single once, but I am glad
she said yes.  I still can’t sleep.  However, I do
have access to all the sugary, chocolate, pastry,
and home-baked goodies a man could ever have
nightmares about.

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

Whipped cream coffee & sandwich

Image via Wikipedia

Approximately six years ago, my wife’s son got
her hooked on the Vinte’ Starbucks Mocha
Frappacino with two shots of espresso, and of
coarse, tons of whipped cream.  He should have
been ashamed of himself, knowing how
susceptible his mother is, to such fantastic
delights.  She is the carbohydrate, raw sugar and
espresso queen.  However, she does not have the tiaras to
prove her royalty, but it is true.

Three years back she proceeded to get me
hooked on the same Starbucks drink with, yes
(my head is hanging low in shame and severe
self loathing) the additional espresso and a
whole lot of whipped cream.  Who would have
ever thought that being a sweet mocha caf-fiend
whipped cream junkie could be so blessed
heavenly.  I am a true sap.  I know she led me by
the string around her cute little pinky into my
tragic addiction just so Iwould be her Starbucks

Happily, I can say I did get even a few months
ago.  In my abnormal desire for anything sweet
and satisfying, I stumbled with beady bloodshot
eyes down the ice cream isle at the grocery store
frantically searching for the magic container at
the end of an hallucinated rainbow.  Sweating
profusely, I was literally frothing at the mouth.
Suddenly, there between two other brands sat
the crown jewel of cold creamy gems and I knew
at once I was saved.  My guardian angel was with
me.  Trembling, I hastily grabbed up two pints
of Starbucks Mocha Frappacino Ice Cream, even
though it does not come with added espresso.  I
raced home hoping not to get a ticket for licking
from an open container.  Vengeance is a tasty
delight, because now she buys my ice cream.

Wait a minute, me thinks I have been duped yet
again.  My lady uses my coinage.   

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

Polaris Ranger UTV.

A Sweet Little Tank.

My Polaris Ranger UTV, Utility All Terrain
Vehicle, is a sweet little tank.  I have to say it is
the most versatile and durable tool I own.  As a
4×4 it takes me over the roughest terrain and
through the densest woods on my mountain

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond

So My Wife Will Love Me.

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond

She Will Love Me, She Will Love Me, She Will Love Me.

This red devil has a handy dump bed making
unloading firewood for winter heat extremely
easy.  During summer months heavy mountain
rains wash out the driveway “goat path.”  The
Polaris Ranger gets me down the road and
back with loads of “my own” replacement gravel.
I do have to be able to get my big cruiser out “so
my wife will love me.”

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

I Think She Loves Me.

With a winch, the optional 73 inch snowplow
for the Polaris UTV makes keeping up with 
heavy mountain snow storms simple.  Afterall,
my driveway is nearly one-quarter of a mile long.
A neat and clear route for my wife insures me
dinner, so even the dog loves this little beast.

This mean creature has paid for itself many
times over.  This Polaris Ranger UTV is by
far one of the best investments I have ever
made next to my wife, of coarse.


Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

Modern compound crossbow

Image via Wikipedia

Our chickens tend to make all the local predators
salivate profusely.  There was a determined red fox
around quite a bit and I pursued him every
opportune moment.  However, no matter what
I did, I always missed him and I am not a bad

One early evening the usual racket from the
hutch yanked both my wife and I to our feet.
I grabbed my Horton 175 lb., Compound
Crossbow.   The 20 inch carbon bolts shoot out
of this bow at about 320 foot per second.  I had
been itching to use it and this was my first big

“I’m going to nail it this time.”  My wife was hot
on my heels as I ran for the shed.  “When I get up
there you hand me the bow.”

I swear, the darn fox is a mind reader.  It sat
down about 50 yards from the shed in clear view
and proceeded to pretend we were not even
there.  It was a clean shot, guaranteed.

Only perhaps a fraction of a milla-mother of
one second before I gently squeezed the trigger
on my crossbow, the fox scrambled quicker than
a confused streaker in a convent.  It was long
gone before the bolt ever left my Horton.
I was not a happy hunter.  Once again I had
missed and if a crossbow could have human
qualities, mine would have beaten me bloody.

Suddenly my wife was laughing so hard she
nearly fell over.  I did not find anything funny
about missing the fur ball, yet again.  It was bad
enough the little snot was off in the woods
somewhere having a good hard laugh, while 
recounting the tale of the crazy human to the
bobcat, mountain lion and bears.

“What?”  I felt bad enough, this was almost too
much to swallow.  “I didn’t flinch or hesitate!”

“You are standing on the roof of the shed in
broad daylight, wearing one blue sock, one
white one, and your tighty-whities.  Have you
ever noticed just how bow-legged you really

As I looked down at myself she laughed even
harder.  “No honey, you didn’t flinch.  That fox
was laughing so hard it had to leave before it
peed its fur.”

I ask you, how was I to know my wife was saying
prayers for the foxes escape?  

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.   

I have got to know, is yogurt a woman thing?

My wife lives on sweets which are completely
unhealthy, yet she loves yogurt.  I get the drift
that yogurt is somewhat healthy.  She also drinks
Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke because they are not
too syrup-like.

Personally, I think yogurt has about a 1.3
second gag time (the amount of time it takes to
make me gag.)  Therefor it could not possibly
be a man thing.

When it comes to my wife’s extremes between
unhealthy sweets and yo-gag, and diet sodas,
she says the yogurt and sugar-free cancels out
the calories and unhealthiness of the sweets.

Someone has got to let me know, but I think it
truly must be a woman thing.  I do mean woman,
as in my woman’s thing.

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

Years ago I placed drywalling on the back
burner only doing it on a part-time basis.  I
decided to buy a little grocery store in the
town of Bailey and see how things shook out.

The Bailey Country Store was a lot of fun and
work, but well worth the twenty years I spent
there.  It was the one place on main street
where everyone gathered to chat, flirt, this
is how I met my wife,
and once in a while get
free snacks.

I learned quickly that if I wanted to sell things,
I had to have product to sell.   It was very
important for me to ask the local customers
what they wanted.  Before long I carried a little
bit of everything, from a great selection of food
and household items, to electronics, hardware,
makeup and pantyhose, vitamins and over the
counter medicinal items, kitchen utensils, rolled
up feather beds, towels, Kamasutra oils, movies,
and gift items.  You name it, I would carry it
right down to the old building’s ghosts.

I love to cook and cooking requires a full array
of spices.  Not everyone likes the spices I do, so
as they neared their expiration date I would pull
them and replace them with new ones.  I soon
had a vast collection of unsaleable spices.  This
required fast thinking to keep from losing money
on them.  I came up with my own version of the
Santa Maria seasoning for beef, and a kick butt
hot Cajun seasoning blend for chicken.

I utilized my butcher shop and pre-seasoned tri-
tip roasts, wrapped them snugly at put them in
the case.  I did the same with my Cajun recipe on
wings.  The food was selling so fast I could hardly
keep up, and it was not just the meat.  People had
to buy everything they needed for the full meal.
Before I knew what hit me, I was up to my blood
shot eyeballs in alligators. 

People started coming from all over to buy meat
from my butcher shop.  Whenever someone 
asked how to cook the roasts my line was, “Just
roll it around on the grill for six to eight beers,
about forty-five minutes.  A few less beers if you
like beef really rare,” 

I hung in there for a few (twenty) years of twenty
four, seven work.  I was very proud of that place
and, as you can imagine, my recipes.  People
came and went, nothing took place in
Park County without word of it arriving
at the good old BCS first.  Life was a constant
gathering of dear friends.

I do miss the Bailey Country Store and all of the
people who stopped in.  There is a huge lonely
spot in this old drywaller’s heart.  Yet, I still run
across customers from back then and we’ll shoot
the breeze just like old times.  They always scold
me for having sold the business, because good
meat and customer care are so hard to come by
these days.  It was an honor for me to serve Park
County, and residents of Bailey, Colorado and all
those who traveled from everywhere to buy my
Santa Maria tri-tips and Cajun style wings.

By the way, this really does make my wife “The
Butcher’s Wife.”
  That is what she gets for
watching that movie so many times.  Just
don’t tell her I said it’s fine to call her that,
and you can.

Copyright 2011, by Glenn Raymond.

It's been one of those days.

Yes, I did say a few of those words.  Mill marks in
this drywall set the scene for a twisted, chaotic
kind of horror.  I am glad it broke before I got
out on the high plank, much higher and longer
than the one you can see beyond me in the
photo.  Those planks have a tendency to bounce
when you walk on them.  I so hate falling from
high places and blowing out my knee or breaking
bones, because regardless I have to continue
working.  I like to get paid so there is no room
for pain.

I can just imagine the headline, “Wife Breaks
Husband’s Neck After Breaking His Fall.”

Yes, it really is me (back in the day).


Thanksgiving has come and gone again and I just
realized I have some “need to know” information
for all of my fellow “anti-shop with the ladies”
men out there.  This is a true story and I never
have to shop with my wife again, because of it.

My wife loves to shop, so her gift has always
been to take her shopping.  Now guys, this is
not a good idea.  Such a gift will take years
from your life, trust me.

My lovely wife was dragging me around the
mall by the pocketbook (nose).  At the end
of $200.00 she suddenly remembered she
had to have a couple of good fitting bras.  I
had no clue what exactly I was in for when
she dragged me by the hair, kicking and
screaming into Victoria’s Secret.

I blushed at first, but then I gladly noticed
several other unlucky, red faced men
mulling around as well.  Actually, looking
back on it, a few of them seemed a tad too
happy about it.  They had most certainly
been brainwashed to appear happy at all
times by their significant others.

To my horror this place had undergarments
practically tied in knots, piled and heaped in
handy, pre-sized bins.  My wife began pilfering
the merchandise and for a few moments I
actually entertained the possibility that she just
might fall in head first and never come out again.
All of the male natives had the look of certain
uprising in their eyes.  I began plotting my
fast and safe escape route.

Thirty-five minutes in my wife holds up six sling
shots (bras) and announces to every man in the
store that she is going to try them on.  She
demanded that I stay firmly planted right where
I was.

I waited.  Panic was crawling and writhing about
in the pit of my gut and a few guys looked as
though they were either going to toss their
cookies or pass out.  Either way it was not going
to be pretty.  I waited.

After what was certainly ten years of my life, the
dressing room finally regurgitated my wife.  She
happily handed me one bra and tossed the rest
back into a bin.  I was so happy.

“We can go now?”

“Not on your life.  I’ve only found one.”

The ritual began again, and men let me tell you
it is not at all like the catalogs.  I never got to
see one of those gorgeous models.  Five bra’s
later my wife disappeared into the changing
room again.  My peaceful waiting had ended

She must have heard me laughing, because she
tried those things on in a flat minute.  It had to
be some kind of bra hooking speed record.  It
was a complete shame the Guinness  people
were not on site.  She may have made me
famous that night if they had been.

I relished the horror in her eyes when she
emerged from the dressing room and caught me
parading her black bra around the store perched
perfectly around the crown of my cowboy hat.

I had never, and probably never will again,
experience that blushing,  “momma takes scalps”
look of complete and utter “giving birth” facial
expression again.

Without further hesitation I announced just
how fine it would be if stores like this one would
kindly install a bar and big screen television, so
we men could lounge around with dignity while
we were held hostage to wait for so long.  Every
man laughed and agreed with me.  I was glowing.

Clearly horrified, my wife rushed forth removing
my (her) elastic and lace hat band.  She was
clearly muttering vehement expletives in my
general direction.  With two bras in hand she was
escorted to the front of a very long line of angry
women.  I had performed much better than
planned.  The women who worked there loved
me so much they let us go first.

“I am SO so sorry.”  My dear wife looked quite ill
as we approached the register.

“Oh, no honey.”  The clerk replied.  “We’re sorry.”
She looked me over sideways.  “We are very
sorry for your misfortune.”

I think they charged me double, but it was worth
it.  The sound of clapping and cheering from the
other men rang out behind us. 

I have not had to go shopping with my wife
since.  So take it from me you guys, a few well
thought out, quick-witted tricks and your time
is just that, yours.  Enjoy.

Copyright 2010, by Glenn Raymond.
Photograph of Glenn Raymond, Copyright 2010,
by Glenn Raymond.  All Rights Reserved.

Amateur radio station of DJ4PI

Image via Wikipedia

Timber/Black Wolf, Me, Elkhound/Black Wolf

A few mornings ago, I was driving to work and
saw some guy on a bicycle cut off a car and get
hit.  The driver of the car kept going.  Luckily
the cyclist was wearing all of his safety gear. 

I do not use a cell phone, because where I live
they do not work.  I got on my ham radio and
explained what happened.  I love being a ham,

I went to the cyclist to make sure he was not
too badly hurt.  I think his ego was.  He had a few
scrapes, but I did not see anything serious.  He
assured me he was alright. 

I sometimes forget that some people cannot
handle folks like me who call it the way I see
it.  Perhaps I lack tact, but I was just being
honest when I pointed out that it really was his

Now keep in mind, this guy was much younger
and pretty well-built.  Honestly he looked as
he could knock me around pretty good.  So the
guy took a swing at me for telling the truth.

I deflected his punch with my left hand and
grabbed his shirt with my right.  He is still
struggling and swinging at me.  All I could think
was, “God, I don’t want to have to beat up some
guy who just got run over.”  Just then a Colorado
State Trooper pulled up and I exclaimed, “Boy,
am I glad to see you.  I think he’s trying to kick
my butt (however, I used the other word).

This officer told the guy to settle down and step
off to the side for a minute while asking me what
had happened.  I told the officer everything.  As
sure as a whiskey hangover, the guy charged at
me swinging again when I explained that it was
the cyclist’s fault.  The State Trooper had to
demand that the guy sit in the patrol car to wait
for the ambulance.

What is up with that?  I could not believe this guy
wanting to punch my lights out for telling the 
truth.  My wife said it was merely a case of 
“steroid road rage.”  What ever it was, I hope
the driver of the car that hit this young man
is caught. 

I mean, it was not the fault of the driver, the
cyclist was fine and I was a witness.  It was quite
stupid for the driver to just keep going. 

What is up with these types of behavior?  I don’t
know, but I am hoping for “Felony Stupid” tickets
for both of them.  At least I know I tried to do
the right thing.

“You can’t fix stupid.”  Ron White.

Copyright 2010, by Glenn Raymond.